Gate Guardian
Art by: TomTC
"There it goes again stopping me on my tracks. Demanding me to hand over whatever snacks i got in my bag. But as always i have a fruit on my bag that i hand to it. It said that it will spare me for now, as long as i bring more fruits to it, it will not harm me... not that it actually can anyways.
This slithering slick creature here is called "Fritz". Usually nick named by the merchants and traders going down the garden route. It's an old wooden gate that's barely functional anymore, the land itself is owned by a famed baron of the land. Rumor has it that Fritz is one of the household's guardian. After everything perished in the war, it is still there guarding the gate for what it's worth. I sometimes stop by and rest under the shade of the tree, talking to it and keeping him company before moving on. Despite acting like a scary dangerous creature, It's quite friendly after you gave him snacks or sweets. If this keeps up i might have to charge him one day."
let´s be friends prro!
K :)